Executive Team

Rick Elezi_Headshot.jpg


Board Member

Mr. Elezi comes with a wealth of experience as the president and founder of R.E.M. Residential. As such, has an extensive real estate background, with a concentration in the residential real estate management sector in New York City.

Mr. Elezi’s interest in real estate began when he worked as porter, handyman, and doorman for several luxury buildings in Manhattan, while he attended high school and college. The work piqued his interest in the exciting opportunities available in real estate.

While earning his Bachelor’s degree in  Finance and Business Management at Iona College, Mr. Elezi also worked his way up to on-site manager for a luxury building. He went on to hold senior property management positions at Lawrence Properties and several other respected firms. In these roles he efficiently managed a diverse portfolio of assets that included residential, retail, and co-op properties. 

In 2004, he was recognized by his peers in the industry and named Property Manager of the Year by the Scandinavian-American Building Managers Guild. In that same year, R.E.M. Residential received the Trailblazer of the Year Award from NYARM. R.E.M. Residential went on to be named NYARM’s 2016 Property Management Company of the Year, and received the 2017 SiteCompli Pioneer Award, which is given to companies who spearhead innovation across their organization, including the use of technology. In 2019, R.E.M. Residential was awarded “Property Management Company of the Year” by The New York Building Managers Association.

Mr. Elezi is actively involved in numerous professional organizations including CHIP, NYARM, SABMG, and REBNY.